Friday, November 30, 2007

Days that are Seared into your Memory

Today will be one of those days. I remember the day Daniel proposed. The day Daniel's mom called and told us to drive to Memphis that Deborah (Daniel's sister) was in the hospital for what they thought was cancer. The day that Daniel signed his record deal with Sparrow Records. Some moments are simply seared into your memory and you will never forget them. Some are wonderful, some are scary, some are life altering. Today Deborah called and asked if we'd heard from his mom. That she had some tests run today. She's been having some pains the past couple of months. She was diagnosed with Acid Reflux and then was to continue further testing. Today Daniel's dad called and said she had a MRI today and there is a mass on her liver and the doctors think it is cancerous. She will go in for a biopsy on Monday to see if it is cancerous or not, so we have to sit and wait and pray as we are stunned by this news. This could become one of those life altering moments. I know it will be forever seared into my memory. The dreaded phone call that a loved one is not ok. That the fun you've been having with friends is suddenly clouded with worry and fear.

So we wait and pray and trust the One who created us all that He is in control and His timing is best and His ways are higher than ours.


Lauren said...

Praying for Mrs. D and all of you!

DtCtyGrl said...

Praying for your family! Keep us posted.