Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanks and giving

This year we have so much to be thankful for. I find myself in a very content place. For once we aren't waiting on anything. For years we were longing to have a baby. Longing for the adoption to go through. Longing for what was next. And now at this point in life I feel completely content with our sweet little family. Life is good. We continually talk about how privileged we are as a family. I teared up praying the other day and thanking God for all of our blessings. I told God it was not lost on us how much extra we have been given, way above and beyond what we need. Daniel has a great job, which is rare these days. I am able to stay at home, which is also a major privilege. I want to be generous with what we have as well as acknowledge that this excess is not meant for me alone to attain.

One way to share is by helping our dear friends Brian and Angie Barber. They are heading to the mission field in 2014 with Kids Alive International. They still need funds to be able to reach their goal though.

What ways are you planning to give back this year? What ways are you planning to make a difference for others around you? In good times and in bad it always does my heart good to give. It puts things in perspective and allows God to use you in ways you may not have imagined possible.

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