Then immediately after church we went to the BCM in Memphis w/ the Daniel Doss Band. Lots of college student were there mingling and introducing new friends. I ended up standing by one girl who was alone so I started the random college conversation question with her....1. what is your major? 2. what year are you? 3. where are you from? (MARTIN, TN). Then she said, "I'M ZOE!" I THINK I SCREAMED! My first year of teaching was at Sharon School and I taught PE, Library, and Health. Zoe was one of my students!!!! She was in 7th grade then, but is a beautiful grown woman now starting her first year at the University of Memphis. She always had a spark in her that made things fun. I was pretty hard on her, and was definitely a terrible first year teacher, but it was great to see her again, I was blown away as yet again I saw my world's collide.
Zoe and I at the DDB concert in Memphis.

yo...oh man that is crazy! i've been talking with folks a lot lately how i've felt the weight of how fast life is going by lately. can you believe it?
ok, so I signed up for twitter and it says I'm on....but now how do I do it? aaaahh, I need a lesson...Ben, Ron, and your exchanges today cracked me up!!! How was your date? Whenever you want a date with 2 year olds, just let me know....
I've tagged you in a meme on my blog... hope you'll play along!
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